Rock Island U30C 4588 from a Atlas model

finished shots:

construction shots:

This model started out as a factory painted Rock Island U30C from Atlas that I stripped. The red they used on these units looks downright pink and doesn't look right.
After the stripping, the model got a new Details West plow, antenna, horn and wheel slip modulators. The notches in the corners were filled and new lifting holes were made from styrene tubing and added. ACI plates were made out of strip styrene.
After a thorough abrasive blasting, everything was washed and dried. Paint consisted of Floquil primer, Scalecoat II white, custom mixed RI yellow from part Floquil UP armor yellow and Scalecoat II reefer yellow. The red is Scalecoat II CP bright red that has been tinted a little more. The gray is Scalecoat II NYC dark gray. The walkways are painted antiskid black, which is a mix of Floquil engine black, grimy black and primer mixed until it looked right. The grilles were masked and backfilled with Floquil grimy black. The decals are a combination of Microscale and the clearcoat is part Testor's glosscoat and part Testors Dullcoat. Then, the model was given a moderate coating of grime, rust and dust and everything was sealed in with more Testor's dullcoat.


© Copyright 2007 Kelley Duford
Last Updated 6/24/2007